Autism Dentist

Sedation Dentistry and Autism

Our team is dedicated to providing a calm, supportive, and understanding environment for your loved one, ensuring they receive the best dental care while feeling safe and comfortable.

Patients with autism tend to have a more difficult time with their communication skills, which can make for difficulty when cooperation is necessary at the dentist. If you are a parent of a child with autism, have a loved one with autism, or have autism yourself, you know that a visit to the dentist often requires much more thought and care, and that’s why we recommend visiting our facility.

Specialized Dental Services for Autistic Patients

At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we understand that children and adults with autism need a dentist who not only has expertise in dental care but also possesses a deep understanding of their unique needs. 

  1. Individualized Approach: Each child with autism and their dental needs are unique. Our experienced dentists at The Dental Anesthesia Center specialize in creating personalized dental care plans that respect your child’s sensory sensitivities and health requirements.
  2. Sedation Dentistry: We are skilled in various sedation dentistry techniques designed to ensure your child’s dental procedures are comfortable and stress-free. Our options include nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation, administered by professionals with years of experience in sedation dentistry for special needs children.
  3. Pre-Visit Acclimation Appointments: We offer pre-visit acclimation appointments to help your child become familiar with the dental environment. These visits allow your child to meet our team and explore our facilities at their own pace, which can significantly reduce anxiety on the day of the actual dental treatment.
  4. Communication and Collaboration: We believe in the power of communication and work closely with parents and caregivers to ensure all aspects of the child’s care are well-understood and agreed upon. We aim to build a trusting relationship with you and your child, making regular dental care a comfortable experience.

What Is Sedation Dentistry and Is It Safe?

This is a question that we get asked all the time. Sedation is a method of creating a state of sleep or relaxation through the use of sedative medications. At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we offer various levels of sedation dentistry to cater to our patient’s individual needs and comfort. Each level of sedation is tailored to ensure optimal care and patient experience during dental procedures.

  • Minimal Sedation is the lightest level, where patients remain fully awake but relaxed. Under minimal sedation, patients can respond normally to verbal commands and fully control their bodily functions. The recovery from this sedation is swift, allowing patients to resume their regular activities almost immediately. This type of sedation is ideal for patients experiencing mild anxiety or undergoing minor dental procedures like teeth cleaning or small repairs.
  • Moderate Sedation offers a deeper relaxation, where patients may drift in and out of sleep but remain easily awakenable. Patients can respond to verbal commands in this state, possibly with some physical nudging. While they generally maintain control over bodily functions, some assistance might be necessary. The recovery period is more extended than minimal sedation, and patients may require a few hours of supervision after their dental procedure. Moderate sedation is typically used for more extensive dental work, such as tooth extractions and root canals, or patients with mild to severe dental anxiety.
  • Deep Sedation provides an even deeper level of sedation, where patients are on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened, albeit with more effort. Under deep sedation, patients’ responses to commands may be significantly delayed or absent, and they might need assistance in maintaining bodily functions. Recovery from deep sedation is more extensive, necessitating prolonged supervision, and patients are advised not to engage in everyday activities for at least 24 hours post-procedure. This level of sedation is suitable for patients undergoing major dental procedures, those with significant dental anxiety, or when other sedation levels are deemed inadequate.

At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we prioritize providing a safe, comfortable, and anxiety-free experience for all our patients, regardless of the complexity of their dental needs. Our highly skilled team of professionals administers each sedation level, ensuring that every patient receives the best possible care tailored to their specific circumstances.

Why Choose The Dental Anesthesia Center for Your Child?

  • Expertise in Special Needs Dentistry: Our dentists have extensive training and experience working with children with autism and other special needs, ensuring that your child’s dental care is in knowledgeable and compassionate hands.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our office is designed to create a soothing environment, with quiet rooms and sensory-adapted spaces to ensure your child’s comfort at every step of their dental care journey.
  • Commitment to Compassionate Care: We prioritize the well-being of our patients above all else and are committed to delivering gentle, empathetic dental care tailored to the needs of children with autism.

At The Dental Anesthesia Center, we proudly offer a unique advantage in dental care across Missouri: our dentists are board-certified in Dental Anesthesiology. This certification is a testament to our commitment to providing the highest level of sedation and anesthesia care available in the state.

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The Only Board Certified Dental Anesthesiologist in Missouri, including the St. Louis Metro Area.

Call (314) 862-7844